

    Character » Armek appears in 20 issues.

    Member of Hyperclan.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Armek is a member Hyperclan and a White Martian using his shape-shifting abilities to disguise himself as a large robotic hero. Hyperclan was revealed to be part of an invasion forced and Armek battled the Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. During the battle he turned himself yellow in an attempt to exploit the weakness of Kyle's power ring.

    Powers & Abilities

    Armek has all the abilities of a normal White Martian. In addition, all members of Hyperclan are trained soldiers.
    • Super Strength - Armek's Martian physiology grants him Superman level super strength.
    • Invulnerability - Martians are virtually invulnerable to harm.
    • Flight - Martians are capable of self propelled flight
    • Super Speed - Armek has super speed characteristic of his entire race. This speed applies to running, flying, processing thoughts, and reacting.
    • Telepathy - All Martians are skilled telepaths, capable of mind reading, illusion casting, mind control, and other mental manipulations.
    • Shape-shifting  - Martians have a high level of shape shifting ability that stems from complete control over their molecular structure. They can alter their shape, appearance, size, density(to the point where they can move through objects), and even their chemical make up. Armek used this ability to disguise himself as a large robot. He also utilized this ability in his fight against Kyle, turning himself yellow.
    • Invisibility - Armek, like all Martians, can become invisible.
    • Martian Vision - Martians projects heat vision-like blasts from their eyes capable of harming Superman.
    • X-ray Vision -  J'onn J'onzz described this ability colloquially as ionized particulate matter mapped to a variable density wavepacket. It allows them to see through objects.


    Armek, like all martians, are weakened by fire.

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