
    Comic Book Adaptation

    Concept » Comic Book Adaptation appears in 7059 issues.

    Comic book versions of classic and popular media.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Comic Book Adaptation last edited by Hyjurocket on 12/04/22 02:35AM View full history


    Adaptations typically are spawned from other media and related sources, such as:

    • Novels
    • Movies
    • Television shows
    • Radio and stage plays
    • Traditional stories and Fairytales
    • Poems

    Often the source material will be expanded upon or transposed into another time period as a starting point for the creative process.

    Some notable works that have been adapted and built upon are:

    The Adaptation is often tied into the concept of the Photo Cover comic as well.

    Similar concepts also include TV Show Continuations and Television Series Companion Comic.


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