
    Deadpool #30

    Deadpool » Deadpool #30 - I Rule, You Suck released by Marvel on February 2011.

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    Deadpool is hired by "good" vampires to keep them safe from the "bad" vampires. That's right ladies and gentlemen, Deadpool isn't just fighting vampires, he's working for them. Although are the "good" vampires really as good as they say? Find out in this Curse Of The Mutants tie in.



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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    Review Deadpool #30 0

    Deadpool is hired by Vampires (or as he refers to them "Draculas") to stop a group of other Vampires (Draculas) from destroying the human race.   The Good According to the cover of the book, this is a tie-in with the "Curse of the Mutants" storyline. However, don't let that fool you. This is barely a tie-in. Yes, the events take place during the Curse of the Mutants storyline, but it doesn't really "tie" anything in together. It's a fun stand-alone issue. As always, the art and writing are extr...

    10 out of 10 found this review helpful.

    Two Of The Most Overused Things in One. 0

    Well Daniel Way, I will admit. While you have continued to piss me off every single arc since the Bullseye arc, I liked the last arc with Captain America and Dr. Bong. Finally an arc that didn't go from good to okay to terrible with each issue. That arc went from okay to pretty darn good to okay with each issue. Although you still have a high failure rate in my eyes. We're 30 issues in and so far, 60% of you're stories are kind of bad or just average, with the occasional good arc. So from now on...

    1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Whats next vampires eating brains ? 0

    Issue 30 of Deadpool wich is a tie-in to the "Curse of Mutants" event.  The Story :Deapool is hired by the Mystikos Sect of vampires to be their bodyguards against the Claw Sect.  The Good :I love Bong Dazo's art,it is an odd mix of cartoony art and realistic and the woman in the comic looks realistic.Also this is hilarious with DP not trusting any vampires and his interactions with the female doctor.My favorite line of his is when he says that these vampires dress like mummies,the apparently ca...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.
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