
    Delta Squad

    Team » Delta Squad appears in 17 issues.

    The Delta Squad is a C.O.G. unit in the Gears of War video game.

    Short summary describing this team.

    Delta Squad last edited by gravenraven on 07/19/23 03:59AM View full history

    14 years after E day a team named Delta squad was made to support Alpha squad in deploying the resonator. In the beginning the squad consisted Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santiago, Kim, and Anthony Carmine. They fought there way through the locust to the house of Soveriegns. Unfortunatly Carmine got sniped in the head when he was showing Kim his jammed gun. Then once they met Alpha squad they got ambushed by locust. Then Kim was killed by General Ramm. After that delta and alpha squad retreated back into the house of soveriens. After Marcus and Dom saved Alpha from a berserker, Col Hoffman promoted Marcus to Sergeant and made alpha join Delta. So now Delta Squad consists of Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Bairid.


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