
    Sorcerer Supreme

    Concept » Sorcerer Supreme appears in 120 issues.

    The title held by the dimension's greatest Magic practitioner. From time to time the Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme will be challenged for the title or the magical objects the title grants him/her.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Sorcerer Supreme last edited by fesak on 12/24/22 01:48PM View full history

    Upon becoming Sorcerer Supreme, that person is imbued with power by the Vishanti and becomes functionally immortal and immune to diseases. However, they can still be killed through sufficient physical trauma.

    Former Sorcerers/Sorceresses Supreme from Earth-616

    • Agamotto (First Sorcerer Supreme, 1,000,000 B.C.): Descended from the Elder Goddess, Oshtur.
    • Hanuman of Xai (~1,000,000 B.C.) Hanuman was Sorcerer Supreme when humans won the earth from the Elder Gods which happened one million years ago according to the Darkhold.
    • Zhered-Na (~16,500 B.C.): A mermaid from Atlantis, she prophecised Atlantis' destruction and was killed for it
    • Saraswati of Akah Ma'at (~15,000-11,000 B.C.)
    • Mekri Ra was Sorcerer Supreme before Kulan Gath, and was killed by him.
    • Kulan Gath was Sorcerer Supreme at some point during the Hyborian Age.
    • Ayesha (~10,000 B.C.): Ancestor to Ashake and Storm
    • Hermes Trismegistus (~6,000-3,000 B.C)
    • Zoroaster (~1,800-1,300 B.C)
    • Salomé (~1,300-1,100 B.C): Member of the Fallen
    • King Solomon (~1,100-800 B.C)
    • Queen of Sheba (~800-550 B.C)
    • Triumvirate (~550-400 B.C)
    • Caius of Lacedaemon (~400 B.C-100 A.D.)
    • Zhang Jiao (~100 A.D.)
    • Merlyn (~500 A. D.)
    • Makeen (~616 A.D.)
    • Murkfoot (~1000 A.D.)
    • Ancient One: (~1450) Was Sorcerer Supreme before Doctor Strange. Upon his mortal death, the immortal Ancient One transcended into the spiritual plane, his soul occasionally coming to the aid of Doctor Strange.
    • Hiram Shaw (~1680): Ancestor of Sebastian Shaw; ironically persecuted witches in the Salem Witch Trials.
    • Isaac Newton: English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
    • Kushala (19th century A.C.): Native American and a host of a Spirit of Vengeance.
    • Margali Szardos: supposedly born in France her true age and origins are an enigma; she adopted Nightcrawler and raised him alongside her own two children Stefan and Jimaine. Jimaine Szardoz later became known as Amanda Sefton .
    • Nina the Conjuror (1950s)
    • Doctor Strange: The most well-known Sorcerer Supreme and prized pupil of the Ancient One. Strange has lost the title on several occasions for one reason or another only to have the title return to him.
    • Doctor Voodoo: Held the title a short time before being killed in battle with Agamotto.
    • Loki Laufeyson: Was bestowed the title by the Vishanti after they deemed Strange no longer fit for the role.
    • Clea: Held the title at one time while Dr. Strange was dead.

    Other Dimensions

    • Clea (Dark Dimension): at one-time both the lover and student of Dr. Strange, she usurped the title from he uncle the Dread Dormammu
    • Margali Szardos: (Winding Road, formerly Limbo)
    • Amanda Sefton (Formerly Limbo)
    • Illyana Rasputin (Limbo Dimension)
    • Shanzar (Strange Matter Dimension)
    • Tiboro (Sixth Dimension)
    • Shanzar (Strangeworld)
    • Aggamon (Purple dimension)
    • Xhoohx (Tunnelworld)
    • Gorgonzola (Dimension X)
    • Ebbin (Crossroads)
    • Lords of Wyrd (Beyond the Purple Veil)
    • Zelatrix Lavey (Lower Aether)
    • Szandor Sozo (Thirteenth Dimension)
    • Magister Miracle (Eighteenth Dimension)
    • Soldier Supreme (Soulworld)

    Alternate Earths


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