
    Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Coy

    Character » Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Coy appears in 128 issues.

    General Coy is a crime boss in Madripoor.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Brief History

    Nguyen Ngoc Coy is a former member of the South Vietnamese armed forces and current Madripoor crime lord. He is an uncle to Karma. When fleeing South Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam War, Nguyen only took his nephew Tran Coy Manh with him. He was aware his niece and nephew were mutants but Tran was the one who would not hesitate to use his powers. Nguyen would be the one giving him orders. He moved to the United States where the former General became a succesful crime lord. Learning that Xi'an had survived as well, Ngyuen had his youngest nephews kidnapped. He wanted to use them as hostages against Xi'an and force her to serve him. In the resulting conflict Xi'an killed Tran. Having only one surviving mutant niece, Nguyen has since attempted to place her under his control.

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