
    Jeff the Baby Land Shark

    Character » Jeff the Baby Land Shark appears in 83 issues.

    A baby Land Shark that was adopted by Gwenpool and later by Deadpool.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Jeff the Baby Land Shark last edited by Brayumi on 12/16/22 06:30AM View full history


    Jeff was orignally part of a group of experimented on Sharks, given leggs and the ability to breathe air and walk on land.


    Jeff the Baby Land Shark was created by Kelly Thompson and Daniele Di Nucuolo and first appeared in West Coast Avengers Vol.3 issue 7 (2019). His species already appeared in West Coast Avengers Vol.2 issue 1.

    Major Story Arcs

    Meeting Gwenpool

    Jeff was living in a secret lair of the supervillain who created the Land-Sharks. During an assault by the West Coast Avengers on the compound, Gwenpool found the baby land shark and immediately took a liking to him. She named him Jeff the Baby Land Shark and introduced him to her other teammates from the West Coast Avengers. At first, the other heroes where sceptical of Jeff, but they soon embraced him. Jeff became friends with Clint Barton (Hawkeye)'s dog, Lucky the Pizza Dog.

    Brought to Deadpool

    With Gwenpool's real-life comic being cancelled (and with Gwenpool breaking the fourth wall in comics and therefore actually knowing her comic got cancelled), she took Jeff towards Deadpool and asked him to take care of him. She wanted to make sure that Jeff remained in an ongoing comic. Since then, Jeff and Deadpool are the best of friends, with Jeff helping his new boss out on a number of times.

    In Other Media


    Marvel Legends
    Marvel Legends
    • Jeff the Baby Land Shark was featured in Hasbro's Marvel Legends line as a pack-in with the Shiklah figure as part of the Strong Guy Build-a-Figure wave.
    • Jeff is featured among the accessories of the Gwenpool Nendoroid.

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