
    Legendary Star-Lord #5

    Legendary Star-Lord » Legendary Star-Lord #5 released by Marvel on January 2015.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    STAR-LORD UNLEASHED! All these basic busters out in space are about to get a taste of their own medicine, Peter Quill-style!

    MISTER KNIFE steps from the shadows...this guy is drag city.

    WHAT is the mysterious Black Vortex? (It’s not a band, it’s an ancient cosmic artifact that is gonna cause big trouble.)

    Dude, space is awesome, but the ice cream up here suuuuucks.

    List of covers and their creators:

    CoverNameCreator(s)Sidebar Location
    RegRegular CoverPaco Medina1
    VarRocket Raccoon & Groot Themed Variant CoverJuan Doe2

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    A Horse is a Horse... Except When it Isn't 0

    Welp. Legendary Star Lord's been a pretty damn solid series so far, and this is no exception. Well, last issue was a weird sort of detour, even in the art department; and this issue decides to kind of forget it. But seriously, you have a magic gem you invested so much effort across 3 issues getting and keeping and getting to Earth; a gem that lets you GO TOE TO TOE WITH GODDAMN THANOS, and you just THROW IT AWAY? What possible reason could you have for that? At least give us some kind of downsi...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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