
    Mei-Ling Lao

    Character » Mei-Ling Lao appears in 5 issues.

    Prime Sentinel

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Mei-Ling Lao was a housekeeper from Shanghai.
    - She was turned into one of many sleeper Prime Sentinels during a vacation to Belize. Mei-Ling and three others eventually received an e-mail from “Bastion,” actually sent by Stryfe, that triggered their transformation, and they were given the task to hunt down Lady Deathstrike.
    - Lao was incinerated by Thunderbird III.


    Employed nanomorphic molecular tissue to shift between normal human and Sentinel hunter modes, gaining enhanced strength, reflexes, durability, expansive force fields, regenerative powers capable of sustaining both organic and technological components, multiple scanning modes (thermal, x-ray, bio-kinetic, sonic, sub-visual, mutagenic signatures), plasma blasts, laser light beams, annihilation beam, bio-blasts keyed to the specific genetic structure of a given target, electronic cloaking measures, and boot rockets for flight          
    Status: Destroyed


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