
    New X-Men #25

    New X-Men » New X-Men #25 - Crusade (part 2 of 4) released by Marvel on June 1, 2006.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The kids are at an all time low, with Rev. Stryker causing problems on the outside and turmoil inside the Institute. At the time when they most need to be unified, will one of their own betray them?

    While Stryker plots his next attack against the students guided by a mysterious device the New X-Men begin their training by squaring off against the X-Man Colossus. Their performance against the Russian mutant powerhouse is dismal at best and illustrates their lack of teamwork. Elixir takes his growing anger and frustration out on Colossus by attacking him from behind once her reverts to human form. Emma reprimands Josh forcefully and kicks him off the team. Laurie reaches out to Cannonball to figure out how to help Josh with his anger issues. Meanwhile Jay begins to realize his own role in the recent tragic events and sets out to make things right after confiding in Dust. When Laurie tries to reach out to Josh and assure him that the deaths of their classmates were not his fault, he rebuffs her attempts to help. As they’re arguing a sniper kills Laurie with a single shot to the head. Jay seeks out Stryker who he had trusted to save his friends. Stryker reveals that Jay is but a part of a bigger plan, one that is driven by the “divine visions” granted by Nimrod! Jay’s presence activates the mostly dormant Sentinel from the future.


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