
If I cannot be better than them, I will be so much worse.

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She'd known him for years, fought beside him through thick and thin, and still she didn't anticipate his movement. The deep darkness of his eyes held hers rapt with attention; she couldn't break her gaze even if she wanted to. If she had, she probably wouldn't have caught the slight smirk, the mischievous curl of his lips. For a moment he looked more like the man she used to know, and not the visage of death he had become.

"I would expect nothing less," she said quietly, before her breath was stolen as his fingers scraped along the soft skin of her throat. Tessa tried to focus on his next words, but she could feel her heartbeat in her throat, the sound of blood rushing in his ears as he applied pressure to the graceful column of her neck. He could snap it with no effort, and she felt like a wolf baring its neck to an alpha in the moment, even as thoughts of something far more scandalous raced through her mind, completely unbidden.

Tessa tilted her head to the side, moving closer to him, shivering as she allowed his him skin privileges she never had before. This was the danger of knowing Kellan would never intentionally hurt her - she let her guard down in his presence more often than she should. "Training, yes. Training," she said, snapping herself out of a touch-soaked reverie, even as the toes of her boots stumbled against his.

Every instinct was on edge as her vision was obscured by a hazy darkness, the hairs on the back of her neck standing straight up as goosebumps pebbled across her arms. Suddenly the casual outfit she was wearing did not seem like the smarest of choices she made. But then again, nothing about this felt like the smartest decision.

As her sight went dark, her other senses began to kick into overdrive. She could smell a deep woodsy musk scent in the air, almost like somebody was burning sandalwood. She caught a whiff of sweat and an indescribable scent that was always just Kellan. If he was almost anybody else, she would have been able to hear the air move around him as he moved his hands, but as it was, it was just a knowing that let her anticipate him grabbing her hands in his own.

She always forgot how much larger than her she was until her was in close proximity. His hands enveloped hers, his rough calloused palms scraping against her similarly situated ones as his larger frame dwarfed her own minute stature.

Tessa could practically hear him in her thoughts as she tried to calm the racing thoughts in her always-busy mind, constantly leaping from one topic to the next. "Kellan," she whispered into the darkness. "What do I need to do?"

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Why is the sidebar so wide???? Why are posts narrower?!

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Why do they keep tweaking the site

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#8  Edited By Tessa_Callahan


She had come to expect the preternatural and downright spooky way he moved, with not so much as a shuffle or a whisper as he cut through the night with deadly silence. She swore there was something part leopard in him - all stalking predator and deadly grace. Tightly coiled muscles, just waiting for prey to run through his line of sight, at which point he would uncoil and the chase would be on. And what a chase it would be. He was pure deadly grace.

"Hmmm." Her lips twitched as her brows drove downwards into a furrow and she stood stick-straight, glowering at him. She held her pointer fingers up behind her head simulating ears, and positioned herself in front of the moonlight in such a way that Kellan would see the frame of her body silhouetted by the moonlight. "I am the night," she growled, her voice pitched low and rough.

Her heart stopped in her chest. She shouldn't have doubted him, but a part of her had lived in fear since the moment he had revealed his plan to her. She at first had insisted accompanying, but logic had won out. They both knew that she did not have the capability to prevail against one, let alone all, of the Secret Masters. The fact that Kellan had done so... was enlightening. And concerning. He was beyond what she had thought.

Her eyes lingered on his smile for just a moment, taking it in. For the first time in recent memory it actually radiated up to his eyes. He was feeling joy in this moment, an emotion she hadn't seen him display since she had awoken. Grimness, that was his driving force now. "You've always protected me, even when I haven't wanted it," she said, stepping out of the backdrop of moonlight and moving away from the ledge.

Tessa drew her shoulders up around her ears, giving in to a momentary shudder at the mention of Alpha Dog. Deep in her psyche - where she would never admit to - a frisson of pure fear ran through her being. She was capable, cunning, deadly, and she had almost died that day. She still had the scars as a memento. "I hate it when you're overbearing," she muttered. "Even moreso when you're beating me to the punch on something."

She tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips. "That's why I sought you out. I need you to teach me. Tell me what to do."

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@sovereign_son: AHHHHHHHHH this makes me so happy!!!!!!!! I will have a response for you soon!!!!!!!

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The suffocating humidity of the city in June was starting to settle in, casting an oppressive wave of heat over the city. The tight black tank top she was wearing stuck to her skin as she wove in and out of the streets of the city that never sleeps.

The moon hung full in the sky, the illuminating glow mixing with the unnatural glow coming from the city’s skyscrapers. Native New Yorkers and tourists alike thronged along in the streets, in a way that no other city could replicate. All the easier for her to move unnoticed, which was as always a particular specialty of hers.

She stopped for a moment, shadowed in the archway of a stone building, and tilted her head up, letting the luminescence of the moon sink into her freckled skin. Tessa took a deep breath, rubbed her palms against her thighs, and slipped back into the throng of bodies.

She wove through the crowds, following the natural patterns, until she got to the general vicinity of her desired location, at which point she slipped into an alleyway and poured on the speed. Adrenaline surged through her veins as she scaled a fire escape with preternatural ease.

The rough metal bit into her palms and she savored the discomfort and vaulted over the edge of the roof, her feet landing firmly on the surface. She walked across the roof and stood at the edge, enclosed in shadows as she took a deep breath and watched the passersby. Tessa waited, patiently, knowing he would come.