Warpath Storm

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I'm starting some DC comics......

I am absolutely obsessed with my mutants in all my Marvel X Titles and have been for years but im kinda bored with them right now, and before I moved away from my family my brother and his wife read some Bat titles and Birds of Prey, well I have been getting Gotham City Sirens since they started last year and this weekend i picked up all of the current run of Birds of Prey, and issues 1-7 of the current run of Batgirl.  I know a lot about the Bat Family from my younger days and from the cartoons, and I know all about bruce dying and returning and Dick is "a" Batman too, so I have decided, I cant afford all the bat titles so Im gunna start getting just:   The Dark Knight, Batman & Robin, Red Robin, and maybe Batwoman when it starts. Plus the Batgirl that I am already getting, and also Gatham City Sirens, and Birds of Prey and Zatanna (but Zatanna is kinda boring so I may drop her.)


So i decided to look at the info that was on the site for my two fave Mutants Storm and Warpath and I was SHOCKED! 
There was about a twenty year gap of info on Storm and about a ten year gap of info on Warpath......WOW.....I have updated as much as I can remember of Storm i think I still have missed stuff, and I believe I have gotten Warpath up to date, (im now the top editor on his page, thats kinda cool)....

Political Question

 How come crazy right winger's say too much government involved in our lives, but then they are the ones that want to say government should be the one's that make the choice of abortion?    


Wolverine & the X-Men

Watched the whole series this weekend.......pretty fucking awesome show.  I am so sad it didnt last longer, i'm glad blink was in it too :o)
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