
    The Sensational She-Hulk #12

    The Sensational She-Hulk » The Sensational She-Hulk #12 - She-Hulk The Movie released by Marvel on February 1990.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    She-Hulk The Movie last edited by ndkfjdklafjdkl on 05/14/22 12:48PM View full history

    She-Hulk—major movie star? Jennifer Walters may get a Hollywood dream come true... if she gets to play herself in her own biopic!



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    Bad Comic Movie in the Comic? 0

     She-Hulk the Movie? That want she said when she heard that. She calls up the studio to yell at them and finds out that when she was Savage she signed a paper. She can’t believe they did that! So they offered her an Advisor’s Fee and 10% off the top. She goes for it. AT the airport she gets a ride from Benny The Cab! That was weird. I did think I’d see Him there. Then after the speed of light she gets there. She meets with FANBOYS and they try to stop her from going in.  To keep the Main Fanboy ...

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