
    Volga Belle

    Character » Volga Belle appears in 15 issues.

    Rock-based monster tank

    Short summary describing this character.

    Volga Belle last edited by Belmonte3 on 05/26/23 09:01AM View full history


     Peristrike Force.
     Peristrike Force.
    Volga Belle is a Russian woman believed to be a mutant who can turn into a super-strong, armored monster. Volga would join a Russian terrorist group called Peristrike Force and come after Professor Anatoly Vonya. Anatoly Vonya was the former USSR's greatest authority on superhumans and he came to Midtown High School to speak about his story and the dangerous super-beings that existed in his homeland. Peristrike Force interrupted the speech and held Vonya and the rest of the school hostage. Chris Powell who is better known as Darkhawk was a student at Midtown High and he witnessed the takeover from the projection booth. Chris retrieved his amulet from his locker and transformed into Darkhawk. He engaged Volga and the rest of Peristrike Force when his girlfriend, Cheryl was in danger.   


    Volga was created by Danny Fingeroth and Mike Manley in 1992 and first appeared in Darkhawk # 16.  

    Story Arcs

    Volga would reappear with a group of Soviet revolutionaries called Remont Six. This group consisted of Titanium Man, Unicorn, the Snow Leopards and their leader, Iron Maiden. The Remont Six comes into conflict with the Winter Guard after they raided an AIM facility outside the Forbidden Zone. Volga and the Snow Leopards would engage Ursa Major in combat but all members of Remont Six are eventually defeated.  

    Powers & Abilities

    Volga is a mutant that can transform into a powerful creature with a tough, rock-like armored hide. She has superhuman strength, durability and resistance to injury.

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