
    X-Men Forever #2

    X-Men Forever » X-Men Forever #2 - Comes The Father - Love and Loss: Part 2 released by Marvel on August 1, 2009.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    BE HERE FOR THE BEGINNING! Comics icon and New York Times bestselling writer Chris Claremont returns to his legendary run with X-MEN: FOREVER! The shockwaves after the death of Magneto are still reverberating all over the world. Attempting to heal the rift between man and mutant kind, Professor Xavier volunteers his X-Men to go on a mission to capture Magneto’s sole remaining Acolyte, Fabien Cortez! But with Nick Fury—and the entire world—watching over their shoulders, the stakes have never been higher for Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Beast, and Professor X. With Tom Grummet bringing Claremont’s vision to the page, this landmark series is packed with enough surprises and twists to shake the X-Men mythos to its very core!


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    Blindness 0

    This hardcore, old-fashioned piece of nineties very difficult to objectively evaluate. I was born in 1993 and obviously was  deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of Chris Claremont. Now, when it started out a new ongoing series-continuation of the 90's X-Men, it's impossible to resist.  I am very pleased that Marvel began to devote old fart their own little series. So it was with Loeb (Red Hulk), so it is with CC. But if Jeph's comic entirely within the main universe, ...

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