
    52 #35

    52 » 52 #35 - Rain of the Supermen released by DC Comics on January 3, 2007.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Week 35, Day 1.

    New Year's Day, 12:00:01 A.M.

    Downtown Metropolis.

    Lex Luthor's Everymen are falling from the sky like rain.

    Their powers have failed them.

    The Everymen are causing extreme destruction - falling on civilians celebrating New Years Eve as well as crashing into buildings and the ground.

    Lex Luthor stands on the roof of his building, watching dispassionately.

    A panic has gripped the city as mobs of civilians flee from the destruction. Supernova teleports a crowd out of the city and to safety, but there are just too many to save.

    Luthor's Infinity Inc. have retained their powers and fight to save both the Everymen and any civilians they can. Natasha Irons, alias Starlight, realizes that her uncle, Steel, may have been right when he said that Luthor has the power of shut off the metagene.

    Week 35, Day 2.

    Saint Camillus Hospital.

    Real superheroes from all over have arrived to save the people of Metropolis. Doctor Light and Obsidian wheel an Everyman into an emergency medical station. Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Hawkgirl, Power Girl, Captain Marvel Jr. and others help with the rescue efforts. Plastic Man freaks out when he sees his son, Offspring, among the victims. He learns that his son exhausted himself saving over 20 people, but will be fine.

    Steel arrives and tells Beast Boy and Raven that Luthor caused the mayhem, and tells them to get the Titans together to investigate the matter.

    Week 35, Day 3.

    Lex Luthor has gathered together his Infinity Inc., all but the conspicuously absent Everyman. Luthor tells the team that they've all been cleared and that their powers are safe. Natasha is skeptical, but the others are so relieved that they promise to do whatever Luthor tells them.

    Natasha goes back to her room, where she is joined by Skyman. Natasha tells Jacob her suspicions surrounding the deaths of Trajectory and the Everymen. Jacob promises Natasha that he'll help her get to the bottom of it.

    Week 35, Day 6.

    Starfire, Animal Man, Adam Strange, the Emerald Head and Lobo have reached the remains of the planet Vartu. Starfire reveals that this is where the desperate telepathic message of Captain Comet came from, but he is long gone.

    The team tries to come up with a plan to battle Lady Styx, and Adam Strange says that the most effective way will be to get inside of her ship. Lobo reveals that Lady Styx has put a bounty on their heads, and that he's willing to take them straight to Lady Styx - just as Adam Strange planned.


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    He's coming back 0

    The first few pages of this issue are well conceived, especially as there is not a word spoken, but the images are quite effective at showing both the despair of the situation and the inherent evil of Lex Luthor.  Most of the rest of this issue deals with the fallout from this event, whether it being Luthor manipulating Infinity Inc. more into doing what he wants, or the heroes assembled to help those that have been injured.  More importantly Natasha is starting to have her doubts finally about ...

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