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I would rather to see Batman comic books, in a universe without superheroes.

I think that would be a better idea.

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In terms of pure physique, this is Batman:

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Yup i dont like over the top big Batman, thats is the right type of big.

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All characters get PIS moments but Batman level of PIS is ridiculous. I can buy Batman being prepared for events. I can buy that. What I can't buy is something like in Justice League Unlimited where Batman back flipped out of the way of Darksied's Omega Beam. A beam that follows you. A beam that can catch super speedsters. What I can't buy is a enemy with invulnerability or super durability being kicked in the face by Batman and it actually hurting them. If that hurt them, then one punch from Superman should end that fight. What I can't buy is Batman surviving blows that should have killed him, even with armor on.

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Batman doesn't need to prevail or even stalemate against Superman to prove his worth and I hope Snyder and Goyer are smart enough to realize this. If there is an initial physical confrontation, Superman should come out the clear victor but they should also refrain from alienating Batman fan(boys)s. The fight should be simple:

- The two meet, and words are exchanged. Batman initiates the fight (why would Superman initiate a fight against a human). He throws everything he has at Superman who just brushes it off. Superman super speeds to Batman, pins him against a wall, and ask him what his problem is. He tells him that he thinks Superman is dangerous and needs to be stopped. Explanations are said, and the two end their fight as allies. Nobody is made out to look like a chump.

Then, during the final battle, Batman really proves his worth when he saves Superman in some way, shape, or form due to his awesome tactical skills and by being Batman. In no way are any of these two characters intregrity sacrificed to build up the other. Superman stands tall as the physical superior, and Batman stands tall as the ever-present ace of the Justice League.

Also, to everybody bringing up kryptonite and weaknesses, you're wrong. For one, i'm 99% sure that kryptoninte is being left out of this movieverse. Snyder has already voiced his aversion to the plot device rock, and they kind of already replaced it with Supermans atmosphere weakness. Secondly, about the atmosphere, Batman would have no way of knowing that Superman is weak to it. The only people who knew were the Kryptonians, who are all gone, and Lois Lane, who I doubt would reveal a secret like that. So no, Batman will not be exploiting any weaknesses in the movie.

Sadly, they werent smart enough to understand this.

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1. Comics and movie arent the same medium and i am sure as heck arent the same audience.

2. This is called poor writing.

3. Because they made peace over the fact both of their mother were called Martha, DAT WRITING!!!

4. Writing reasons, in movies the audience wants to see things that make more sense that in comics, since it makes no sense that someone that can beat Superman, has problem dealing with the Joker, it hurts the suspension of disbelief.

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@ccraft said:

@deathpoolthet1000: All I'm saying is this wasn't being discussed when Marvel was making their movies, fans just looked at boxofficemojo

Maybe is that if this movie doesnt make a profit, it could mean no DC Cinematic Universe or one where the Trinity is allowed to have movies, but no movies for the rest, since this movies are too much of a risk.

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@asgaard said:


Box Office: 'Batman V Superman' Plummets 68% For $52M Weekend


Yup the final box office numbers don't mean this or that movie will make more profit for the studio even when some movies are less expensive to produce, the perfect example are Furious 7 and A.AoU the first ended with $1.5B and the second with $1.4B even if the second had more production and marketing costs, one decisive factor for A.AoU bring more profit to Disney when compared with the profit that Furious 7 brought to Universal were the Domestic (A.AoU »»»Furious 7) and Chinese (Furious 7»»»»»A.AoU) numbers, the diference from what returns to the Studio in US/Canada market is almost incomparable to what returns to the studios from the Chinese market!

This is why i am very curious to know Deadpool profitability for Fox, because the budget is very low and the box office numbers are high in the domestic market and globally, without a Chinese market release!

And lets not forget, NO 3D.

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@asgaard: Yep, but they get less money from the international box office, so there is a real possibility this movie makes less money for the studio.

The box office number is going to be bigger, but they could end with a less profitable film.

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@ccraft said:
@spambot said:

ok, after doing a little research I read that producers and distributors get around 55-60% of revenue for the first month and after that it goes down each week. So if its the same company doing both the production and distributing of a movie they would get that full 60% and then you also have taxes which can be taken out immediately on overseas ticket revenue. So the $800m for ticket revenue may actually be correct in terms of using a base number that BvS needs to clear for WB to realize a profit on it. Which means WB will be shitting bricks if BvS doesn't break $1b and may have to rethink even doing JL if it doesn't clear $1b comfortably.

Why are comic fans just now taking a closer look into where the money goes now that BvS is out?

Because studios are making this movies, so they win money.

If they barely win any money from them, this movies are a huge risk, since their budgets are so massive.

WB isnt making this movies, because they want to make them, they are making them, so they can win money from them, if any of this movie bombs they could lose hundreds of millions, if several bombs WB is dead.

If BvS makes less money that TDKR, WB has a good reason to think, this is too much of a risk, so they could cancel the DC Cinematic Universe or decide to fire Snyder or decide to reboot.

More since they take less from the international box office, where BvS is making most of box office.