
Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit.

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Top 10 Video Games.

10. Call Of Duty Black OPS 2

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Ok. I know. Starting a list with COD? This game however would of saved COD for me if it wasn't for that crap fest called COD Ghost. The Story was decent with a very intimidating Villain. The Choice system that effected the story wasn't as good as say... Walking Dead but they were intense. The Missions were pretty much the same thing but they tried more then any other game. The Multiplayer was perfect. The 10 point system should be in every COD Game in the future. I mean of course there was those annoying Quickscopers and the ShotGuns but pretty much every shooter has to worry about the ladder. Zombie has never been better and unlike most people I actually was quite fond of Tranzit. This game honestly is the only COD I ever or will ever actually buy the DLC on. For all This. the Best COD in the series starts at number 10.

9. X Men Legends

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X Men Legends. My Favorite X Men game and one of my favorite PS2 games. The 4 player co-op along with the loveable batch of Mutants was awesome. I prefer it more then its sequel because I feel this was a more structured game and it was better for it. The cinematic were neat and so were the voice actors. The Gameplay was pretty basic but when Playing with friends you felt like you were actually apart of the X-men with your friends. Me and my mate jay would act like Cyclops and Wolverine because we loved picking them. Best X-men game of all time and maybe one day after Marvel is done drooling Avengers this may get a third installment that's just as good.

8.Infinite Crisis (DC MOBA)

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I was honestly never much into MOBA's. To be honest there may even be better one's then this such as League Of Legends, Smite or Dota 2. This game however has something the others don't. DC Characters. I love it for that. I love 5 on 5 team action and using one of my characters such as GL or Flash. Even more interesting different characters have alternate versions of themselves like Hal Jordan. There's Atomic Hal who survived a nuclear war in which his ring is slowly killing him as it is inside his chest, or Arcane GL who's literally Emerald Knight. The concept of the game is interesting and it has what I love. What else is there?

Closed as of August 12. RIP

7. Pokémon HeartGold

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I'm not the biggest Pokémon Fan (Considering I still for some reason keep up with it) but this game holds a special place in my heart. When I was still a noob and didn't care what moves my team got the game was Challenging and it gave me the feeling that me and my team were actually in a intense battle and could lose. To this day it holds my greatest battle in which my Ambipom was able to beat a Charizard and win me the battle because the rest of his team along with mine were all dead. If my Ambipom move had missed I would have been beat and raged, but he made it and earned my first entry into the Pokémon Hall Of Fame. Good times.

6. Ultimate Spiderman

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The best Spider-Man game of all time (No not that horrid Television show). Gave me the feeling of actually being Pete and just swinging throughout the city. The Story was epic. The Boss Battles were entertaining (I'm looking at you RHINO and Wolverine). You even got a chance to play as Venom and throw Logans Bike through a wall and continue to beat the hell out of him. The Game was just a fun experience as a whole and one I'd love to go through the first time again any day.

5. Transformers War For Cybertron

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The Transformers Game that brought me back into the series. The Story was enthralling, CO-OP Awesome, Multiplayer just incredibly fun. You were able to play through the stories of both Autobots and Decepticons. The little detail in the game is what truly makes it shine. Sure I'll admit the multiplayer was kind of un balanced but you get over it. This game + friends was just too fun to pass up. Unfortunately the sequel even with Dinobots doesn't hold a candle to this for being the King of TF Video games. I mean come on. Those Boss Battles were intense.. ha jeez man.

4.Star Wars Battle Front 2

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Greatest Shoot of all Time! Suck It Battlefield and COD (Save for you Black Ops 2 :D). This game right here was amazing and I hope the next one coming out is just as good. I felt like a actual soldier in the star wars Universe ripping through Clones and Droids Alike. If I did good enough I got to become a iconic character such as Obi Wan, Han Solo or one of the Jango Fett. This like many other on this list are the best they have to offer from there franchise. the Classes, weapons, Vehicles, all of it was spectacular. Battlefront was the best Shooter I've ever played. That says a lot.

3. Batman Arkham City

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Any Viner knows how good this game was and why it may deserve to be higher. The combat, The Story, The Post Game content, Even the DLC was all worth it and more. The Definitive Batman Game. Lived up to its incredible first by far. The Free roam was epic and you were The Batman. The Boss Battles were epic ( Especially use Freeze) and the Easter eggs shows Rocksteady cared a lot about this game. If Arkham knight is any where half as good as this game I will die a happy man. This game gets points for letting you play as the sexy Catwoman and Nightwing (My Favorite Comic book Character of all time) and Tin Drake's cool Hooded Robin. This game was simply amazing and earns every 10/10 it gets.

2. Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening

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Hack N Slash at its finest. (Screw you God Of War :3). Most likely the best Gameplay on the list in my Book and a actually cool story considering what Franchise it is. As always the DMC series shows how badass it's boss battles are and continues to be a truly Hard game if not played in a serious way. Playing as Dante and exploring all of his awesome combos was simply Fun. Also Playing as Vergil was a cool bonus and gave the events of the first DMC 1 more impact after seeing these two Brothers Go at it. This Hack N Slash Game will always have a special place in my heart and brings tears to my eyes of joy. Who says Devil's never Cry?

Honorable Mentions Before Number 1.

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1. The Assassins Creed Franchise ( Up too IV)

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This one was so hard because I love them all to much. AC 1, AC2, AC Brother Hood, AC revelations, AC 3 and AC4. The ladder being my favorite. The Assassins Creed Franchise is just so loveable. I mean to be honest I feel like there kind of milking it now but that won't stop me from loving the series. This made History BADASS. I mean that's hard for me. My Favorite Character of the Franchise was Connor Kenway and my favorite game was Black Flag led by Edward kenway. That doesn't mean I don't love Altair and Ezio just as much. This game's gameplay and mechanics forever changed how I see video games. These games were the perfect Balance of Action, Story, gameplay, etc. All in which I love in a good game. I can't explain why I love the series and the games so much but I just do. Even with its downs. This series has taught me so much and that not just talking about history. I will always cherish these games in my heart no matter what there future holds.