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Average score of 431 user reviews

The thing about Skate Club, You don't talk about Skate Club! 2

Last H.Q. review. (9.) The 10th issue of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's series; this time, There Are No Rules! The GoodGotta fight for your right to skate!So in this issue, writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti show us what happens when Harley Quinn joins a underground Skate Club! This 10th issue started off pretty well, with the two writers delivering an amusing first half story that involved Harley Quinn in this illegal skating club. Through Harley Quinn's violent and comedic characte...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

End game. (Spoilers!) 2

We have had our eyes opened in this series, now it is time to finally close them!The Good So in this issue, The Original Sin finally ends! The story is Nick Fury bent on stopping Midas, and making sure that The Watcher's power is not used to conquer Earth. And all throughout this issue we see how answers are revealed and setup for future story arcs that have spawned new ongoing series. (i.e. Thor's sister has a monthly series now.)What I enjoyed most about this issue was, seeing it all end! Thro...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The second story arc with a new creative team. 0

Though Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey are no longer on this book, MOON KNIGHT LIVES ON! A new creative team has taken Ellis and Shalvey's places, and from the looks of this first issue [of the second story arc] it may be a success after all. BUT, before you read this review, I suggest you read my review for MOON KNIGHT #6! ALSO, you should read my other [awesome] reviews like Batman: Assault on Arkham, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2014] Movie, Godzilla [2014], TTG! episode, "Money Grandma!", a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An interesting story that takes away the memories of Batman and Superman! 0

[Click] for the last review I did from this series, it was for the "Doomed" story arc tie-in; Batman/Superman #11. Now, in this issue Batman and Superman are being toyed around with by a new enemy, Satanus!The GoodNo memories, what all will happen? Artist Jae Lee helps set the tone with his artwork!I'm not going to lie. I only enjoy this series when writer Greg Pak and artist Jae Lee work together. They created this series together and established everything in this series; from the tone to how ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A likely alliance. (Spoilers!) 0

TMNT #36 REVIEW! The Shredder and General Kraang are in talks of an [uneasy] alliance, but will this alliance of evil actually happen? (NEXT ISSUE)THE GOODShredder and Kraang! Partners?So in this issue, The Shredder comes to General Kraang about plans to form an alliance. (Basically, to benefit them BOTH when they become rulers of the Earth.) However, while Shredder makes his case about why the two should join forces, old wounds are reopened and because of it, pushes Kraang and Shredder to begin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A lesson in leadership! (Feat. George Washington) 0

Robin is going to start a campaign to get re-elected as leader of the Teen Titans! However, Robin always takes things a little too far, and Raven decides to bring President George Washington to the present to teach Robin a thing or two, about being a great leader! The GoodIf it's one thing I love about this TV series, it's ROBIN FOCUSED EPISODES! Robin is the pinnacle of making sure his emotions are in check; however, with this TV series (aimed more towards kids) I like seeing how the showrunner...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

It's a movie w/ Godzilla's name on it! 0

To summarize this review, it is a movie with Godzilla's name on it. SPOILER: More destruction than Godzilla. After the most recent, American, incarnation of the King Of All Monsters (remember how everyone knew how much it sucked, yeah I'm talking to you Godzilla 1998) Godzilla has made a monster sized return to America, and it is all we could EVER hope for! The story of this movie is this, monsters from the past have awakened and are looking to repopulate their species. Godzilla being self-procl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.


TMNT #35 review. The Rat King makes his first appearance in this [TMNT] series! Why are Splinter and Leonardo so key to The Rat King's plans of world domination? The GoodChilling, isn't it?!The writers (Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, and Tom Waltz) did an amazing job on this issue! This issue primarily focuses on Leonardo and Splinter encountering, The Rat King! Sure, Leo and Splinter talk about whether or not to attack Kraang or Shredder First (connecting to the stories that are already establish...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

This generation's versions of the, heroes in the half shell. 2

Every generation needs a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's a mandatory thing to have throughout all of life. Ninja Turtles! And with that in mind, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their owners, Nickelodeon, have created a TMNT film that has everyones favorite -green- heroes in the half shell, but aimed towards this generation. Expect childhoods to be crushed, merchandise of all sorts, and sequels that may or may not be better than this first movie! Let's get on with the review! Firstly [and...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Batmans, Batgirls, and Gordons. 2

Eternal continues! The GoodThat cover am I right?First of all, Alex Garner's cover for this issue! Amazing, am I right? The three characters, Batman, Gordon, and Batgirl, are [without a doubt] the three characters [and stories] that were primarily focused on in this issue. I like how Garner does a great job at portraying the characters through his artwork, and how his style and colors just make each character standout in a different way. Alex Garner's cover for this issue, is definitely one of t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A simple rescue mission to Wakanda, gives Dardevil the answers that have been hidden from him his entire life! 0

Daredevil #6 review. Continuing the Original Sin tie-in! (NEXT ISSUE REVIEW!)The GoodIt's true Daredevil! This issue should not be passed up!In this issue, Daredevil hightails it to Wakanda to rescue the mother he never knew! (Before she is executed by Wakanda's Queen/Black Panther's sister.) This is one Original Sin tie-ins, that SHOULD NOT, be passed up!The secret that was hidden!Writers, Mark Waid and Javier Rodriguez, handled this issue with a level of care [and attention] that hasn't been s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An oldie, but a goodie! 0

Written by Jeph Loeb with artwork by Ed McGuinness, this is the definitive series featuring Batmand and Superman! (Pre-New 52 series!)The GoodIt is always good to take a step back from a current series and continuity to remember a simpler time. This, would be it! Writer Jeph Loeb did an amazing job with this issue, and reflected Batman and Superman's relationship, or partnership, at a different time in their lives. In this issue, Loeb shows us the events, and circumstances, that will be making L...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Robin is dead, but not for long! (Pt.3): To Hell... 0

Batman is going to Apokolips to resurrect his son, but before he does that, Batman has to make sure that Gotham is looked after. The GoodWhat ever it takes!So in this issue, Batman gets all his ducks in order. First off, Batman talks to Red Hood, Red Robin, and Batgirl about protecting Gotham City while Batman is gone; but, if the team doesn't hear back from Batman, they should assume that he's dead and have Dick Grayson to continue Bruce's legacy as Batman. It was very personal, and awkward, ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.


STORIES, STORIES, AND MORE STORIES! Another action packed, perfect, issue of Futures End. The GoodSo in this issue we have, a peak into the not too distant future; Cadmus looking for the Stealth O.M.A.C.'s; Superman up against Rampage; and Frankenstein, Amethyist, and Hawkman finding out "Who?" killed Stormwatch! (And that "Who?" being Brainiac. *Insert dramatic sound here.*) So without anymore delay, let's get on with the review! I'll be mentioning the most important parts of this issue, that ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The story, and series, continues! 0

With this eleventh issue; this marks a new story arc and a new chance to return Samurai Jack back to his rightful time! However, with a new story arc, always comes a time where Jack is in even more trouble!The GoodGood news, the series lives on! With talks (early on) of the series, originally, being only ten issues long, I was concerned that the Samurai Jack series wouldn't end well. However, it turns out there's more! (Thankfully!) I'm glad that writer Jim Zub and company will be continuing to ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The women in Miggy's life have secrets. 0

Spider-Man 2099 #1 review. Miguel O'Hara (a.k.a. Miggy/Spider-Man 2099) has to deal with two women in his life with secrets.The GoodGetting to the bottom of Miggy's secret. Writer Peter David continues to impress me with this series. And it's only the second issue! Take this issue's story for example. In this issue, Miguel O'Hara has to deal with Liz Allen and Tempest's secrets. David focuses on the Miguel O'Haraside of things, in this issue, instead of Spider-Man 2099.(Which is nice to see. How...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A confusing issue, that continues to tease readers. Just give us answers already! 0

Original Sin #6 review. Old-man Nick Fury vs. EVERYONE! The GoodSo writer Jason Aaron did a good job with this issue. In the sense, that the story was action packed. But other than that, this entire issue was a giant comic wrapped in teasing, allusions, and few answers. The artwork was wonderful, as usual! So great job art team for bringing another great looking issue!The BadThe problem I had with this issue was, everything! This is the second to the last issue of the series, you'd think writer ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The replacement. 0

Original Sin #5 review. Nick Fury is probably Earth's greatest protector, however, he's still only human.The GoodBest cover of the entire series!Frank Martin's cover for this issue was amazing! The cover is what I enjoy most about this issue; just because of the composition of how this cover was made. Definitely worth hanging on your wall!So in this issue, Nick Fury seeks a replacement as, protector of Earth! With the realNick Fury old, and his body aging rapidly, the team he established to find...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Robin is dead, but not for long! (Pt.2): The reason why you don't get on Batman's bad side. 0

Before you continue, you should check out Part 1 of this review. Especially if you need a reason to check this series out! But if you already are reading this series, enjoy the review! Batman is going to Apokolips to bring his son back, but the Justice League might have something to say about that first. The GoodBatman being Batman.HOLY CRAP BATMAN! I thought this series couldn't get any better, but it just did, like 1,000 times better! Writer Peter J. Tomasi really outdid himself with this issu...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Robin is dead, but not for long! 0

Prelude issue, Batman & Robin #32. Robin Rises begins NOW! Written by Peter J. Tomasi with artwork by Andy Kubert.The GoodOh great, the FEELS are coming back. Wow, that recap! Tomasi summarized Damian's life in only 8 pages, he hit the hotspots to make sure everyone who reads this series will know what is going on. I was greatly impressed how much he made the recap feel important, and relevant, to the story at hand. (Which it is important.) Batman was narrating the entire recap, so it made i...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Need for a Breakout! 0

The Justice League are going to get off of Cadmus' planet, but they are going to need a little help from Teri, the new Flash! The GoodSo in this issue, the stories are broken up into two to tell a fuller, more immersive, story. Breakout!GL to the rescue (again.)So in this half of the issue, The Justice League escape Cadmus world. (With a little help from Teri, who's story occurs during the Justice League's "Breakout" story.) The writers for this half of the story did an incredible job with build...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The spy game is confusing, BUT FUN! 0

My review for the first issue of this series, "Dick Grayson, spy." Join Dick Grayson (plus writer Tim Seeley and Tom King; with artwork by Mikel Janin, Guillermo Ortego, and Juan Castro; and with color artist Jeremy Cox) in this issue's story, Guilt Feelings. The GoodBeautiful cover. Really captures the "Spy" element perfectly. (Very James Bond-esque.)Among the things that I enjoyed about this issue, the cover is definitely that stands out in my mind. This is a spy series, so obviously the arti...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Superman. 'Nuff said. (Oh, and other stories.) 0

The GoodI think this opening scene speaks for itself. Superman has changed. Into what, I'm not sure yet! The opening scene, as you can see the above image, is what got me excited about this issue! The writers FINALLY brought back Superman! I know I've said before that I want to see more of Batman Beyond (because he's the title character), but even more so, I'd like to see more Superman! He's in a containment suit and fights crime 24/7, "Why?", it hasn't been explained yet. The writers spent five...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Rough start, but finished strong! 0

This issue of The New 52 Futures End picks up right where the last issue left off! WITH A FIGHT!The GoodChoices, choices.The beginning was rough (more on that later), but after the issue moved past Barda and Deathstroke's fight, this issue was pretty awesome! Maybe it's because at this point in the stories [that are featured in this issue], they have become really interesting and are some of the reasons why readers, like me, comeback for the next one. But the only reason these stories are so goo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Prejudice and stolen goods. 0

In this Futures End issue, Tim Drake gets robbed; Mr. Terrific deals with not knowing what kind of enemy he's made against Batman Beyond; Grifter looks for answers on the stealth O.M.A.C.; Batman Beyond double crossed; and Big Barda exposed! This is an issue that shouldn't be passed up!Choices, Choices.The GoodNot yo average joe. So in this issue, a lot of interesting things happened. Briefly, the story that revolved around Tim Drake and him and his girlfriend getting robbed was a nice touch. I ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A boring issue, but that twist ending though! 0

In this issue, Frankenstein, Hawkman, and Amethyst find one of Hawkman's missing partners; Agent Faraday is looking to cure the world of super powered people; Ethan is setting up Rampage to distract, or even destroy, Superman; and 35 years in the future, we find out that Batman is still alive!The GoodWell it looks like these two will be sharing a body, and a mind. Can't wait to see how this turns out!The last story of this issue, is what saved this issue for me! The stories that were featured in...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Dysfunctional Four. 0

My review for FF#7. The Fantastic Four are broken and separated, things can't possibly get worse!The GoodThis is the best issue so far! The Original Sin tie-in, originally, didn't carry much weight when it started. However, after the events of last issue, and finally seeing the repercussions in this issue, I'm really excited to see what writer James Robinson's plans are for the Fantastic Four!So in this issue, Thing goes to prison; Johnny Storm loses his record deal; and Sue and Reed move away ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Deadpool has a daughter, apparently, in this Original Sin Tie-IN! 0

Last review from this series, DPool #11. Deadpool is going to do whatever it takes to make sure that his daughter, Ellie, survives the night!The GoodFather of the year. Briefly, I really liked the cover of this issue. Drawn by Mike Del Mundo, Mundo perfectly captures what this issue is all about, Deadpool as a father. Mundo's cover is the main, and only, reason I picked up this issue. The bright colors, the "#1 Dad" drawn on the board, and just how it looks destructive and adorable (at the same ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Batman Eternal tie-in? 0

My review for Batman #33. A loose tie-in with the Batman Eternal series. Batman is on the hunt for a killer that likes to take the lives of people no one will remember, or care about. The GoodWell, that's not creepy or anything. Man, what a great issue! I've never liked writer Scott Snyder's mini stories that always come after he finishes one of his [5 issue] story arcs, but this changes everything! And I think a big part as to why I liked this issue was because of the art. Greg Capullo's art s...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Darkness sleeps beneath Gotham; Gordon to the rescue; and Red Hood vs. Batgirl! 0

Batman: Eternal continues! Gotham is being torn apart from the inside out, and some of the stories featured in this issue only prove that Gotham City is about to fall! (And that there is more than meets the eye!)The GoodBatgirl's story is moving forward.We might've found out who tricked Gordon into killing innocent. Getting right to the good stuff, Batgirl's search for answers is turning out to be quite interesting. The writers are doing a pretty decent job with her story (and moving it forward)...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Love and Revenge, the perfect combination! 2

My review for, The Amazing Spider-Man #4. Black Cat has big plans for getting her revenge on Spider-Man; and Spidey and Silk's relationship starts to blossom. (NEXT ISSUE)The GoodSo, writer Dan Slott did a pretty awesome job on this issue's story! After setting the stage in the last issue, with introducing Silk into Spider-Man's world, things took off like a rocket. (One of those things being a relationship starting to form between Spidey and Silk.) And while that is definitely the topic to talk...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

It's called "Batman: Assault on Arkham.", but really, it should be called "Suicide Squad: Assault on Arkham." 0

The DC Animated Universe Team really did an exemplary job with this movie. Taking a brief break from recreating fan-favorite storylines; the DC Animated Universe Team proved to us that they can create an original story, and it be good! With a basic foundation in an already established universe [the Arkham-verse]; a colorful cast of characters with equally interesting voice actors; and a story that immortalizes the idea that it is "Cool." to be DC villains pulling off a heist, The DC Animated Uni...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Harley Quinn and the Obsessed Nerd. 0

My review for, Harley Quinn #8. Teased in the last issue, a obsessed nerd (a.k.a. fanboy) is looking for Harley Quinn. Trust me, writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti did an outstanding job with this issue!The GoodWell, that's not creepy or nothing. Am I right? So in this issue, the main focus is about a fanboy named Ed, whom is obsessed with Harley Quinn. Like this issue before it, writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti decide to go down a more funny, or comedic route, instead of trying ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Money to spend, skating to be done, poop to fling, and nerd-rage to be teased! 0

My review for, Harley Quinn #7. After finding out that Harley Quinn put the $3 million dollar bounty out on herself (from last issue); we now return to an issue that focuses more on the lighter side of Harley. (Basically, an issue that feels like it would work perfectly if this series was an animated TV show.)The GoodSo in this issue, a lot of [random] things happen. Whether or not that is good or bad, is really confusing me at this point. But for the most part, or just this portion of the revie...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn team-up for another adventure. Plus, we find out "Who?" put the hit out on Harley! 4

My review for, Harley Quinn #6. We find out who sent out the hit on Harley's head; plus Poison Ivy makes [another] guest star appearance!The GoodSo in this issue, we finally find out why Harley has a hit on her head. While that, in itself, is a major problem; at least we finally get to see why she has been targeted by assassins these last seven issues. The reveal, without a doubt, will be stupid and a "Why?" moment, but nonetheless an answer is still an answer. (Good or bad. More on that later.)...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Love is a feeling only some want. 0

My review for Moon Knight #5. The final issue of the first story arc! And also, writer Warren Ellis and artist Declan Shalvey's final issue together. At least they went out with a bang! (Both literally and figuratively!)The best comic you'll read all week!I'm going to be honest with you. After what Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey created in these first six issues, and how flawlessly they captured what, and who, Moon Knight is; writer Brian Wood and artist Greg Smallwood have their work cut out f...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A lot of teasing, but it all adds to the story! 0

My review for Outcast #1. After the events of the first issue, Kyle and the Reverend try to go back to a somewhat of a normal life. However, unbeknownst to them, an evil is still hiding in plain sight! (NEXT ISSUE REVIEW!)The GoodAn amazing cover!Briefly, I will say that the cover for this second issue was amazing! Paul Azaceta's art style fits this series like a glove; and his work really stands out with this [issue 2] cover! However, though Azaceta lays down the foundation of what Robert Kirkm...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Spock is back! Did you miss him? 0

My last review from this series, Superior Spider-Man #31. Spock is back, sorta, but who cares! More Spock is good news for me! Oh, and Edge of the Spider-Verse starts with this issue! The GoodSpider-People unite!So you remember that time when Spock was handling that time anomaly back in issue 19? And how he seemingly died? (See my review.) Well, it looks like he was actually in the future. (2099 to be exact.) But, other than trying to find a way back to the present, it appears that Spock was bus...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Time to fight back! 4

My review for Invincible #112. Invincible has gone through a lot lately, but things are going to be changing real soon!The GoodSo to summarize all that's happened recently, Robot has snapped and has decided to take over the world! Writer Robert Kirkman did an outstanding job with this issue! Continuing with the momentum he's already created in prior issues, Kirkman is setting things up for Invincible to finally fight back against Robot. I'm really enjoying what Robert Kirkman is doing with the c...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Daredevil #6, an Original-Sin Tie In! 1

(My review for Daredevil #5.) Marvel's Original Sin series is revealing a lot of hidden secrets to our favorite Marvel heroes. What secrets will be revealed from Daredevil's past?Secrets revealed! So far, I've enjoyed the tie-ins that have come from the Original Sin series. And with this Daredevil series being one of my favorite books by Marvel, I had very high hopes for the story that would tie-in to, Original Sin. I can rest easy knowing that the Daredevil team has pulled off another awesome i...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.