
    52 #24

    52 » 52 #24 - Just Imagine; The Origin of Booster Gold released by DC Comics on October 18, 2006.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Just Imagine; The Origin of Booster Gold last edited by Belmonte3 on 02/12/23 06:42AM View full history

    A New Justice League forms but is overall unsuccessful. We get a glimpse of what Martian Manhunter has been up to. Black Adam goes to China and claims he no longer has interest in "New World Power".



    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    This issue has a different mood than others before it.  While others often did a decent job of interlacing the sort of administrative plot details  with something else gripping in their place, this issue seemed to be all about this minutia.  There were some good moments, but then there were also two superhuman teams being formed here.  The new Justice League is kind of a funny development, especially with Ambush Bug, but it makes for kind of a jumbled script.  Martian Manhunter's actions as well...

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